Love for reading is a program that fosters interest and enthusiasm for reading, driven by free and directed activities, related to imagination, creativity and awareness through reading.
We believe in the value of stories told, whether by books or oral tradition, thus strengthening our culture and enriching intercultural knowledge. Therefore, it is important for us to start at an early age in the interaction with books, emotions and universal literary knowledge, because the connection we develop with books in childhood will be what conditions our relationship with them in the future.
We work with populations of different ages, from infants, children, adolescents, young people and adults, creating spaces and exercises to read, form emotional and affective bonds, providing the opportunity to form people with an inexhaustible reading taste.
In 2016, we inaugurated our community library composed of a toy library and a general book area for young people and adults. This has been equipped thanks to permanent donations from benefactors who believe in us and our work. We also have a book lending system.
We currently have an agreement with the University of Guanajuato’s Hispanic American Literature Department, who offer workshops throughout the year to children and adolescents as part of their education.
During the year, together with the University of Arizona and the University of Guanajuato, among others, we organized and/or participated in academic events at various university and graduate institutions, with the support of national and international teachers through symposiums, conferences and workshops.
Educational Leadership Symposium
The International Symposium on Educational Leadership co-sponsored by Resplandor International, Interleader and IISUE at the National University of Mexico and with the support of other institutions took place at the University of Guanajuato in Guanajuato, Mexico on July 4-5, 2019. The symposium was sponsored and supported by multiple educational institutions and organizations in Mexico, Cuba and the United States. The symposium brought together educational researchers, practitioners, university professors and administrators, students and the general public from different levels to examine and discuss educational leadership in the global context of current educational reform. The broader theme of the conference was “Educational Reform; Tensions and Alternatives from Global Experience”.
The symposium focused on research and applied practice to study agency, access to power, policy development and the complex decision-making process of educational organizations in the context of the Latin American and global context. Participants attended keynotes presentations, research colloquia, workshops, book presentations, dynamic interactive panels and networked with educators and practitioners from diverse backgrounds and experiences in the area of educational leadership.
The interactive symposium was designed to be dynamic and allow participants to share experiences and knowledge with other educators from all levels of education and professions involved in the leadership process leading to educational reform and change.
We provide attention to children and adolescents with Special Educational Needs, with and without disabilities, being for some of them their only educational attention and for others a complement to the school they attend.
The attention is coordinated by a Special Education teacher, supported by professionals and university students with related careers who perform their social service with us.
The areas of attention are:
– Personal Independence
– Learning
– Language
– Swimming
– Equine therapy
The Secretary of Education of Guanajuato provides an educational agent to favor the integral development of children up to three years and eleven months of age, as well as to provide tools to promote the development of mothers, fathers or caregivers, around their parenting actions, promote meaningful interactions between adults and guarantee the exercise of their rights.
The forms of intervention are developed through sessions with fathers, mothers, caregivers and pregnant women who attend these spaces for reflection, learning, integration and socialization activities, to share experiences and generate exchanges of positive parenting practices for the development of children.
These areas are considered basic aspects for the professional and personal development of children, youth and adults in rural communities. We are grateful to volunteer teachers from the communities who twice a week share enjoyable and effective computer and English classes, achieving the commitment and constant participation of the students of the communities to achieve their objectives.
It is very important for us that women and adults are prepared, so we have managed various workshops and technical courses for job preparation such as Confectionery, Hairdressing, Barbering, Nails and Handmade Soap Making, encouraging them to develop. One of the institutions that collaborate with us is the State Training Institute (IECA), as well as people from the communities who share their knowledge.